Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Changes in Friends after their Marriage or Engagemnet

At present most of my friends are either married or engaged. Rather it would be better if I say all of my friends have found their soulmates except me... (may be thats the reason I am writing this)
Now what I am experiencing is I am left out... I still remember some years back we all decided to remain single all our life and will never get into relationship and will enjoy life in our own terms...but I think except me no one followed it......
So now what i have observed these days is a FRIEND MARRIED is equal to a FRIEND LOST. Seriously married friends are living in world of their own.....they have no time for anyone. I many times feel do they even remember they had Friend.....anyways what can i say...but then one thing i have observed is when their Mother INLAWS comes and stays with them, or anything they need to discuss related to their IN LAWS they ll just remember you...because though I am not married but when it comes to suggestion I am the person to consult to.
Now Feel like let married friends live in their own world.....let us leave them alone, now comes turn of my engaged friends...These people keep in touch with you after their engagement but then they have most boring stuff to talk....because mostly all the time either they are talking about shopping or about their would be......
Shopping really fed up with it....surprised being a girl how can I am tired and bored of shopping ...but really I am... This was the fifth time when I am giving company to my friend for her wedding shopping .........Really its very boring(and frustrating also) when you are shopping not for yourself but for someone else and that too for not your wedding but for his/her wedding and above that its for fifth time ....GOD now I am Wedding shopping expert...anyone need any kind of advice regarding shopping let me know......
Now these engaged friends...not only bores you from their shopping but also from their stories...
Yes Stories of their courtship period...believe me its not at all intresting to listen..infact listening to mother in law woes by ur married friends are more intresting than to listening to engaged friend's would be saga.....they will describe all qualities of their would be...would praise him or her like anything and will accept you also to praise him, will tell u joke he cracked last night and will expect you to laugh at his jokes.....they really eat your brain by describing each and every little thing they notice about their partner...believe me thats real pain in ass.....when you are still single.....

Finally I am here

Finally today I decided to write something, so let me first share why I decided to go for blogging.
I am good observer and I am a person who is continoulsy chatting with oneself. I really love to discuss anything and everything that I observe.
But these days I believe friends dont have much time to discuss things, busy with daily chores of life and its quite possible that when I have time to discuss they are busy with their own chores.
So its a good way to post your blog and people can read it at their own ease. As most of the times I am talking to myself about things happening around me, and then I will feel like Ally Macbeal.
I observe things and will discuss about them within myself...its sounds funny but believe me its a real fun to do...
So as I have started blogging so will come up with my observation and experiences in day to day life.....Its a good way to express oneself isnt it...without even being irritated whether anyone is listening to you or not....